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July 26, 2022


What is Vegan Haircare? Plus the Top 15 Brands to Try

Sara Kelley, VegNews
Traditional haircare products have a longstanding history of not being vegan. For centuries (yes, we mean that literally), animal ingredients have been used in haircare as a means to clean, condition, and style hair. However, the haircare industry is experiencing a radical shift. Shoppers are finally calling on their favorite beauty brands to make the switch to vegan and cruelty-free ingredients. And just as we’ve seen in the food industry, a bit of innovation and more intentional ingredient sourcing has led to the development of vegan alternatives that perform exactly the same—if not better—than its animal-derived counterparts. No longer a niche or hard-to-find category, vegan haircare is extremely accessible. With a little research and planning, you can easily transform your entire hair routine with all cruelty-free and vegan haircare products.