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February 16, 2024


The 10 Most-Recommended Products For Shiny Hair, According To The Pros (And Shoppers)

Sierra Rogers,

Locks losing their luster? Don’t worry—it happens, and more often than you’d think. There’s a long list of things that can cause dull strands, including heat tools, harsh chemicals (such as hair dye and bleach), hard water, overwashing, hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, and stress. Avoiding all of these things as a woman is next to impossible. Luckily, there’s a solution that doesn’t involve a total lifestyle change: Find a hair product that can restore your strands to their shiniest state. 

Buckle up, because we’ve got even better news. You don’t have to do the searching yourself, because we’ve rounded up a list of 10 top-rated, shine-inducing hair products below. Packed with hydrating ingredients (looking at you, hyaluronic acid) and protective compounds that can stand up to UV rays, heat tools, humidity, and more, the products below are all endorsed by those who’ve dared take on dullness before you—and our unbiased algorithm, too.