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September 8, 2021


Jennifer Aniston Spent Quarantine Testing Her Haircare Line’s First Product

Erin Lukas, InStyle

It’s hard to believe that “good hair” isn’t a term in the dictionary. If it was, the definition would undoubtably be accompanied by a photo of Jennifer Aniston, whose heavily-layered shag from Friends (aka The Rachel) and beachy blonde highlights have influenced haircut and color choices at salons across the country since the ‘90s.

After setting hair trends for more than two decades, Aniston is finally giving anyone who has shown their stylist a photo of her as hair inspiration what they want: a haircare line. A partnership with Living Proof and a successful namesake fragrance collection has led her to this moment, and now the actress and producer is the founder and creator of LolaVie: a line where naturally-derived ingredients and science meet.