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December 4, 2024


Jennifer Aniston’s Dogs Have Always Been ‘Part Of The Family.’ Now, They’re Also The Inspiration For LolaVie’s Newest Launch

Gabby Shacknai,

It was 1995, and Jennifer Aniston was in the throes of filming her second season of “Friends” when she fell head over heels in love. Despite what the tabloids might suggest, though, it wasn’t one of the many Hollywood heartthrobs she regularly worked alongside who captured her attention this time around. Rather, it was a small dog named Norman.

Although the actress had always loved animals, it wasn’t until she met this sweet terrier mix, who was on the set of “Friends” to film a scene with Joey and Chandler, that her connection with dogs was truly cemented. After learning that Norman wouldn’t be hired by the show since he wasn’t hitting his mark for the scene, Aniston jokingly chimed in that she would take him. Minutes later, he was hers. “He completely stole my heart and showed me how truly special the bond between humans and dogs is,” Aniston recalls. “From that point on, it was game over—I was a dog person for life.”