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May 16, 2024


Jennifer Aniston Just Launched a Hair Product Inspired by Her Hair on ‘Friends’

Isabelle Buneo,

When it comes to characters that serve as timeless beauty inspiration, Rachel Green is at the forefront. Despite the fact that the iconic sitcom Friends aired for the first time in 1994—yes, 30 years ago—people everywhere are still showing up to their hair salons with pictures of early-2000s Aniston pulled up, eager to take on the Rachel Green hairstyle themselves.

Leaning in to her reputation as hair royalty, Jennifer Aniston launched her hair-care brand LolaVie back in 2021, and fans and celebrities alike have been obsessed ever since. The most recent launch from the brand, though, is sure to really get heads turning, as the founder revealed that the new formulation is inspired by the hair-styling techniques used on the set of Friends.