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September 8, 2022


Jennifer Aniston Is on a Mission to Simplify Self-Care With Her Newest LolaVie Launch

Samantha Holender, Marie Claire
In my humble opinion, LolaVie is the best celebrity haircare brand out there—and I say that without an ounce of exaggeration. Aside from the fact that Jennifer Aniston can do no wrong (I mean it, she really can’t), every single product in the line has been launched with intention, purpose, and efficacy at the forefront. That’s in part because the 53-year-old actress believes that self-care should be just as simple as it should be indulgent. “I view my different routines as self-care,” she exclusively tells Marie Claire. “I think they are important and we should want to make time to take care of ourselves inside and out.” But as someone with approximately 9,000 projects going on at one time, she knows “time is precious.”