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June 25, 2024


Introducing The 2024 Marie Claire Skin and Hair Awards

Samantha Holender, Marie Claire

Welcome to Marie Claire’s second annual Skin and first annual Hair Awards. Over the past few months, our beauty team, along with several board-certified dermatologists, professional hairstylists, and trichologists tested hundreds of products. Their mission: Identify the best skincare and haircare on the market.

Our selection process was steep. After reviewing thousands of applicants, we crafted a shortlist with over 600 brands. Our editors and judges took a long, hard look at efficacy, ingredients, and texture. In the end, we found the best formulas in the beauty world, proudly stating that every product has been thoroughly tested and deemed undeniably transformative.

Our winners span 12 skincare and eight haircare categories and will see you through every step of your routine. There are cleansers, serums, moisturizers, and sunscreens, along with shampoos, conditioners, stylers, and leave-ins, and devices. Here, you’ll find tried and true cult-favorite winners, newly released items, affordable finds, and luxury indulgences.