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May 9, 2023


7 Things No One Tells You About Going Through Menopause

Arden Fanning Andrews, Vogue
“I was kind of floored that I didn’t immediately connect my perimenopausal symptoms to perimenopause—and I write about health for a living!” says Jancee Dunn, the bestselling novelist, journalist, and former MTV VJ, who just released her latest book Hot and Bothered: What No One Tells You About Menopause and How to Feel Like Yourself Again. After covering health and science for 20 years, Dunn was stunned by the lack of information available when she started going through perimenopause, a term that many women still aren’t familiar with (although around six thousand women will enter it today). Considering doctors in most medical schools receive only one hour of instruction on menopause on average, this information gap, unfortunately, adds up.