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January 4, 2022


25 Beauty Items Every Man Needs for 2022, According to Hollywood's Top Groomers

Mike Vulpo, E! Online

A new year means it's the perfect time for a new beauty routine. Here's what Hollywood's top groomers recommend for guys in the months to come.

Kumi Craig

Recently Worked With: Pete Davidson, Steve Bushemi, Sebastian Stan and Jamie Dornan 

"This 99 percent naturally derived detangler makes it so easy to comb through hair. It's the ultimate multitasking product that works for everyone. I've used it on my clients who have breakage from bleach (vegetable ceramides help with this!) as well as those with thicker hair to style and add shine (from the lemon extract) for a camera-ready look, and the best part is that while it's doing those things, it also helps protect against future damage (powered by the chia seeds). Bonus: the price point!"